Friday, 11 May 2012

PHP - Where To Start - Part2 - Getting It On The Screen

OK, so in Part1 we got to grips with basic operators.  But we have nothing to show for blood and sweat.  Let's remidy that.

There are a few ways to get PHP to display to the screen, and while they may apear on the surface to all do pretty much the same thing, they are all different and all there for a reason. In no perticular order here are two of the most common methods:


As well as those, there are other commands for more precise displaying of information, but they arn't related to this level of coding. It's as well noting just now that there is a big difference in the way that the PHP processor handles single quotes ( ' ) and double quotes ( " ).  I will ilustrate this difference in the code section for this page.  If you recall, in Part1 there was a line at the end of the code section that started with the following on it:
On the line just above that add the following code using copy and paste, and then save and view the page in your browser, as coverd in Part 0.1

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